

Dr. Elzbieta Sochacka

GP, Pediatrician, Endocrinologist

Dr. Sochacka is a medical doctor of three specialties recognized by both British and Irish Medical Council. She works as a pediatrician GP and Endocrinologist. She holds a distinctive II degree specialty in Pediatrics supported by 20 years of practice in Poland.
Therein she worked as an Assistant Head of the Allergology and Endocrinology Ward at Children’s Hospital in Dziekanow Lesny, Poland. Dr. Sochacka, as many doctors in Poland, worked as a family doctors for many years. She is well familiar with Irish healthcare system.
Dr. Sochacka was gaining endocrinology experience during 10 years of treating adults as well as children with a focus on thyroid dysfunctions, diabetes growth disorders, osteoporosis and hypophysis illnesses. Her experience in this field of medical knowledge was consolidated by cooperation with two well-known clinics in Warsaw where she worked as a key consultant.

Dr. Jakub Sochacki

GP, Aesticts

Hi, Thank you for the opportunity to introduce myself as a new General Practitioner in Med Family Clinic. My name is Dr Jakub Sochacki.
I graduated from the top university in Poland (Medical University of Warsaw) in 2012. As part of my training, I spent 1.5 years in the prestigious University of Cologne, Germany.
During my studies I received a scholarship. After my graduation, I specialised in primary care medicine and qualified as a GP. During this time, I completed a worldwide renowned postgraduate diploma in Aesthetic Medicine at Medical University of Warsaw.
One of my advantages is that I have gathered great experience from studying and working in several countries. As a result, I am very experienced in caring for a diverse range of patients of all ages with wide range of medical problems.
With regard to my practice, I believe in taking a holistic approach to all my patents. In addition to general GP consultations, I have a keen interest in managing disorders of the heart. I also have a great interest in paediatrics, and treat children of all ages, from infant to teenager.
Having completed further studies in aesthetic medicine, I specialize in anaesthetic medicine and offer diagnosis and treatment of common skin disease, such as eczema, psoriasis and acne.

Psychotherapist Katarzyna Lisiak

M. A. in Psychology and Psychotherapist Katarzyna

I am psychologist and psychodynamic psychotherapist. I offer consultations, counselling and
therapy for patients experiencing depression, anxiety, difficulties in relationships and personality
disorders. I also conduct trainings and workshops in areas such as stress management,
intellectual functions stimulation, social skills or preparation for childbirth and parenthood.
I graduated from the 5-year studies in Psychology at the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan
in 2009 (Master’s degree). In 2014 I obtained a diploma of a 2-year Youth Sociotherapy and
Psychotherapy Study, and then I continued my education as a psychotherapist in the 4-year
School of Psychodynamic Psychotherapy at the Krakow Psychodynamic Center (I completed
the course in 2020).
I have been running my own psychotherapeutic practice since 2014. I have cooperated, among
others, with Renata Graduszyńska’s Specialist Clinics and Kamila Fryc’s Uwazna Prawcownia
Terapii in Poznan. I work with adults and adolescents, as well as couples and mothers with
infants. For 12 years I have been working with Poznan senior clubs, conducting trainings of
cognitive functions. I cooperated with the Greater Poland Alzheimer’s Association in the
organization of workshops for carers of people suffering from dementia. I conducted courses for
pregnant women in the childbirth preparation schools Polozna z Sercem and MamaiJa. I
provided support to people in mental health crisis at the CISZUM and Wielspin Reha
Foundations. I speak Polish, English and Russian.

Dr. Marek Zelinski


Ortopedyczna medycyna regeneracyjna (PRP - leczenie osoczem bogato płytkowym, preperatami pozyskanymi z tkanki tłuszczowej SVC
komórkami szpikowymi BMAC
innymi nowoczesnymi środkami regeneracji.- OD 15 LAT.
Injekcje kwasu hialuronowego , iniekcje sterydowe
Konsultacje ortopedyczne dorosłych, młodzieży, dzieci, niemowląt i noworodków.
Diagnostyka i leczenie wad postawy u dzieci i młodzieży.
Diagnostyka ultrasonograficzna narządu ruchu [ścięgna, więzadła, stawy, mięśnie, nerwy obwodowe, struktury narządu ruchu położone powierzchownie]
Diagnostyka i leczenie stawów biodrowych u noworodków i niemowląt.
Konsultacje w zakresie ortopedycznych zabiegów operacyjnych dorosłych i dzieci.
Profesjonalne raporty i konsultacje medyczno-prawne.
Kwalifikacje do zabiegów operacyjnych

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